Friday, August 15, 2008

Moms & Babes In Brunei (Pre and Post Natal Care)

(Photo from Labor of Love, By Catherine Guthrie in Yoga Journal)

Individualised coaching for empowered birth

Preparing for Labour and Birth with Elaine Chin

An opportunity to work with Elaine-the aim of this course is to give you a thorough understanding of what may happen during labour and birth and all the practical guidance you need. This will include active labour and birth positions, breathing, massage,yoga postures and using a birth ball.

Elaine will also incorporate the principles and benefits of an active birth combined,if necessary, with the use of complementary therapies and/or medical interventions such as an epidural.

The antenatal consultation will enable you to understand how birth physiology works, so that you can approach your birth with confidence and a positive attitude. You will also be well informed about all your pain relief options and encouraged to keep an open mind, ready to make empowered decisions that are best for you and your baby.

The partner's role is a constant theme and a useful leaflet is provided.

This course is tailored to individual needs of weekly classes, sessions to be arranged mutually.

Preparing for Labour and Birth
Cost : $ 80 per session (1 hour each)

Please call Elaine for doula services.

Early booking is essential to avoid disappointment.
Please contact Elaine at 00 673 8846848